The stone carving and lettering takeaway is a monthly podcast that celebrates the voices of contemporary stone carvers across the UK.

We aim to showcase a variety of stone specialisms, centred in the art of carving and lettering, but have already included gilding, calligraphy, fine art sculpture and literature.

Guest includes the famous British sculptor Peter Randall Page about his practice and his love of patterns in nature, the author and letter cutter Beatrice Searle and her incredible journey carrying a large stone to Norway, Rian Kandruth about her love of all things gold and the inspirational sculptor Michelle de Bruin about accidently becoming a successful stone carver and her love of animals.

Charlotte and I have developed a highly tuned partnership, the combination of my sculptural visualisation and carving skills and her background in calligraphic design and a lifetimes experience in creating exquisite memorials and public sculpture, makes for a dynamic and joyful combination.

We thrive in a fun and immersive conversation, probing subjects like paying the bills, diversification of skills, menopause and re-training in later life.

At the heart of the project is our commitment to sharing our passion for craft, passing on skills and having fun.

Available on all listening platforms, The stone carving and lettering takeaway is the only podcast in the UK to focus on the extraordinary craft of carving stone.

Happy chipping